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Repubblica Ceca

provincia Vysočina
Humpolec, 39601
E 551 Vystrkov

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Altri servizi


foursquare   google places 4.3

Carburante Prezzo
Efecta 95 41,71 CZK/l +0,64
Дизелово гориво Efecta Diesel 38,31 CZK/l
Газ Метан CNG 27,10 CZK/kg
Verva 100 44,40 CZK/l
Verva Diesel 38,84 CZK/l

i prezzi sono stati forniti da un utente Fuelo.net su 26.04.2024г. 5:41

Josef Wastl
Google Places© на 26.07.2022


Václav Daněk
Google Places© на 02.07.2022

There were not enough parking spaces.

Julia Szarek
Google Places© на 28.09.2021

Standing, asking for help, getting ignored then after 10 min and had to stand in queue so one finally gives mercy and listens.(no toilet paper in any cabin) +coffee does not taste that good.

Milan M
Foursquare© на 10.01.2017

Tesla supercharger!

Jaroslav Švehla
Google Places© на 09.08.2016

Je to tam super!

Average Joe
Google Places© на 17.06.2016

Tesla supercharger! Uz se tesim az se tam potkame s ostatnimi co si objednali Tesla 3!

Ladislav A
Foursquare© на 05.03.2015

Skvělé hotovky a polévky, určitě se tu zastavte.

Vendula R
Foursquare© на 15.06.2014

Dá se zde tankovat CNG!

Denisa R
Foursquare© на 14.07.2012

Výborná zmrzlina!

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