Diesel Premium

For the last month diesel premium has become more expensive by 0,01 €/l (0,55%) with a tendency for becoming cheaper.

Diesel Premium

today’s prices in Croatia




1,82 €/l

1,43 €/l

1,96 €/l

Average prices by brands:

Brand Price Difference
Lukoil Lukoil Eurodiesel BS ECTO 1,58 €/l +0.00 €
Ina Ina Eurodiesel Class Plus 1,82 €/l +0.00 €
Petrol Petrol Q Max Diesel 1,85 €/l +0.00 €
Crodux Crodux EURODIESEL BS MaxPower 1,86 €/l +0.00 €
Tifon Tifon EVO Eurodiesel BS Premium 1,87 €/l +0.00 €
Shell Shell V-Power Diesel 1,89 €/l +0.00 €