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Split, 21000
Domovinskog rata 80

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foursquare   google places 3.9

Fuel Price
Eurosuper 95 1,50 €/l
Дизелово гориво Eurodiesel 1,39 €/l
Бензин А95 с добавки Eurosuper 95 Class Plus 1,50 €/l
Eurosuper 100 Class Plus 1,87 €/l
Eurodiesel Class Plus 1,78 €/l

prices updated at 8.09.2024г. 4:16

Tina Štok
Google Places© на 30.12.2019

Relativno brzo

Ivan Ramljak
Google Places© на 20.12.2019

Pumpa na dobroj lokaciji, usluga dobra samo drugi artikli na pumpama općenito prepreskupi. Pa koliku maržu oni žele

Tonci Covo
Google Places© на 06.12.2019

My famous gas station. Always nice, friendly staff ready to assist you, help

Google Places© на 20.08.2019

ATTENTION SCAM ARTISTS. They will fill your tank, then when you go in to pay they will increase your bill by 120 Kuna. By the time you paid you don't get a receipt. I was a minute out when I realized they duped me. Scammers. DON'T GO HERE.

Sławomir Malinowski
Google Places© на 08.07.2019

Należy dokładnie oglądać paragon bo można zobaczyć na nim 4 paczki malboro. Oszusci. Warto by ktos się tym zainteresował bo proceder dosyć ciekawy. Pan z obsługi tankuje auto i mowi bys poszedł do kasy zapłacić. A kasjer dobija do paragonu coś extra no mi 120 KUN za

Asja K
Google Places© на 12.02.2019

Dobar izbor djelatnici odlični spremni pomoći uslužni

Ivica Huljev
Google Places© на 06.01.2019

Prolazna ocjena

Google Places© на 14.07.2018

고속도로 진입전 갑작스런 렌트카 고장으로 무작정 도움을 청했는데 주유소 직원분들이 너무나 친절하고 적극적인 도움으로 남은 여행을 무사히 지내게 되어 이 글을 씁니다.너무 감사하고 , 친철하고 아름다운 마음에 감동을 느꼈으며 유럽 여러나라를 다녔으나 가장 기억에 남는 여행이었습니다.2018 월드컵에서 꼭 우승하길!!!

Google Places© на 05.07.2018

Czerwiec 2018 Panu podczas przyjmowania pieniędzy "coś się pomyliło" i twierdził że nie dałem mu odpowiedniej ilości banknotów. Jednak po krótkiej wymianie uwag pieniądze się znalazły na blacie. Odczucie obojętne.

Tanja Batinic
Google Places© на 11.06.2018

Not good at all because stuff are for nothing..price are much more day after day and all together all not good...you have much more better gas station in our Country !

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