+420 602 957 827


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Czech Republic

province Olomouc
Olomouc, 772 00
Rolsberská 66/1203

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Fuel Price
A95 38,70 CZK/l
Дизелово гориво Diesel 35,80 CZK/l

prices updated at 13.05.2024г. 5:18

ThooR GooGle
Google Places© на 09.08.2023

Good gas prices compared to the prices of other gas stations in the area...

Slavomir Ruzbarsky
Google Places© на 24.07.2023


nanika nanika
Google Places© на 24.05.2023


Gary Jenkins
Google Places© на 17.03.2023

I believe this is the cheapest fuel stop in Olomouc. They always seem to be at least 60hela cheaper than anywhere. Also, they have a new coffee machine which makes.lovely, inexpensive coffee.

Tomas Pavlas
Google Places© на 03.11.2021

Super price ?

Jirka K
Foursquare© на 09.08.2013

Jedeny z nejlevnějších pohon. hmot v OL.

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